JADD Madagascar

Faced with the current climate change emergency and the challenge it poses, the NGO, JADD Madagascar has conducted a climate change eduction campaign, which affect more and more the vulnerable communities. This initiative aims to raise awareness among local communities, particularly women, young, and PWDs (People With Disabilities) about environmental issues, and to promote the sustainable agriculture practices.

The campaign took place from July 2 to 6, 2024, in the Antsinanana Region, in the Rural commune of Ilaka-Est (at the level of Hazomamy association, VOI Lahinandrotra and Ambodisiny). The interventions began with discussions concerning the perception of  local communities on climate change, followed by the capacity-building session, on the resilience techniques specifically Agroforestery system(SAF), permaculture, and urban agriculture. These sessions are crucial because they provide necessary tools and effictive methods in order to the local communities to manage  sustainably , and while preserving the environment.

This initiative is carried out by the support of GEF SGP Madagascar,and in partnership with TAFO MIHAAVO ANTSINANANA.

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