Environment and Climate Change

Promoting Sustainable Environment and Climate Resilience in Madagascar

  • Education for Sustainable Development
  • Protection of Biodiversity and Natural Heritage
  • Reinforcing the Community Resilience Facing Climate Change
  • Risk and Disaster Reduction
  • Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
  • Environmental and Climate Justice
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Green and Blue Entrepreneurship

Contribute to the empowerment of young people, and women and other vulnerable people through green and blue entrepreneurship.

Supporting vulnerable people in creating green and bleu projects, strengthening activities that arouse the creation of green and blue jobs. Promoting the exchange and networking between young entrepreneurs.

Food Security

Disseminating best practices in food security and nutrition.

Promoting climate-smart agriculture and agroecology.

Scaling up sustainable consumption practices, WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), nutrition, and health.

Citizen Participation

Encourage citizen participation, civic engagement and youth volunteering

 Increase the capacity of young people for leadership and civism engagement

Promotion of civic education in the community

Promotion of youth volunteering